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David Davis awarded honorary doctorate by University of Life

David Davis has been awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Life, it has been announced.

The university’s Vice Chancellor, Professor Chris Bumfield, said: “In recognition of the extraordinary work David Davis has done towards a destructive and racist Brexit, we are extremely proud to award him an honorary Ph.D. in the area of Brexit Science.”

“The way he finessed the question of the simultaneous existence and non-existence of those 58 sectorial impact studies was a tour de force, and is an example of the high quality Brexit Science that this university is keen to promote.”

The University of Life is Britain’s fastest growing university, and its stated aims include giving its students negative IQs by the end of their three-year course, by replacing rational, fact-based thought processes with magical thinking that defies all logic. Its most popular course is the PhD programme in the area of Brexit Science, which has attracted record funding from the government in an attempt to find elusive reasons why leaving the EU might improve the country.

Accepting his diploma, David Davis said: “The University of Life is at the forefront of our brave efforts to reduce Britain to a herd of idiotic sheep who will do and vote exactly as the ruling tell them.”

“It provides validation to people who are basically stupid but want to make believe that a lifetime of watching TV and reading the Sun are equivalent or better than having actually learnt to think at an actual university or college.”

This fantastic anti Brexit comment has been going viral on social media

This comment about Brexit in the Guardian has been going viral. It sums up very well how much of the country now feel about Brexit and the people who are forcing the country off the cliff-edge and towards the imminent destruction of not just the economy, but the very fabric of Britain itself.

“Thank you brexiters. You have succeeded in doing what no Armada, airforce, enemy or war has done in 300 years. You’ve made Britain small.

Your vote has manifestly and undeniably reduced this country. You have diminished us in the eyes of the world. Our power has been lessened, our influence has declined, we no longer have the same reach and standing.

You’ve lost us our seat on the international court. You’ve lost us our banks access to Europe. You’ve lost us our position as the cutting edge of European research. You’ve lost us any influence over our European neighbours and friends and as a consequence of that the rest of the world too.

You’ve turned this country into a backwater. You’ve made us a little people on a little island on the periphery of world events.

Taking back control? You’ve given all our power away for a sack full of dreams and a belly full of bile.


Why have you done this? I don’t understand. What is it? What is this grand dream that you believe we’ve lost and that leaving the EU will bring back?

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Is it possible that I’m the only British person alive today that has no clue as to what we’re meant to be fighting for? I literally have no idea what you brexiters want. I know what we’re meant to be against, but not one positive thing we’re meant to be striving towards in this new non European Britain. It seems to be something to do with churchill but other than than not a clue. It also seems that as I don’t know what this shared dream is meant to be then somehow you believe I’m now a traitor, why?

So brexiters please tell us all what you’re for, what you want? What is this “control” you claim to want so badly? What is it control over?

I’m not sure you actually understand yourselves. I think it’s a feeling you’re craving, a feeling of control over a world that is passing you by. I don’t think it amounts to any more than that. You want our country to bend to feelings and that’s it. You’re after obtaining the intangible and ephemeral by dismantling the real and permanent.

So please brexiters if you want me to pronounce shibboleth can you please have the decency of saying it out loud first. Give me a clue as to what you want us to be?”

The above comment was originally posted under a Guardian article by user ‘Tintenfische‘.

Isn’t it time we had laws to prosecute politicians for the suffering they cause?

Each new year in politics seems to bring a new low in terms of how our elected representatives conduct themselves. Whenever a new minister is appointed, it appears their only goal is to out-do the shameless lying and corruption that their predecessors got away with.

There’s often a grey area between incompetence, ignorance, and negligence when politicians introduce a new policy, but sometimes things can be rather clear cut.

For instance, it is right that parents whose child dies from neglect can be prosecuted. And so it should also be right to prosecute somebody like Iain Duncan Smith, whose benefit sanctions regime has led to many unnecessary and foreseeable deaths (e.g., from starvation or illness) after people had their benefits stopped for no good reason.

Some may argue that the government do not always know beforehand the full consequences of implementing a new policy. That may be true of some policies, but it is a virtual certainty that Iain Duncan Smith knew: (a) people would have the benefits they rely on to feed and house themselves cut off; (b) with no money, they would be unable to buy food; (c) with no food, the would face starvation; (d) the end result of starvation is death. So when IDS got the DWP to implement his regime of benefit sanctions, he surely must have known that there were likely to be deaths as a direct result.

There are many other examples of ministerial conduct that ought to have landed the minister in court. The case of Amber Rudd’s deportation of Samim Bigzad is a very recent example of a minister ignoring a court order which even stated that Rudd is in contempt of court. However, despite being in contempt of court she cannot be jailed or fined personally, instead the home office is even though the minister herself is the one who is in contempt.

The end result is the taxpayer is hit with the bill, whilst the person who actually broke the law isn’t punished at all. The censure of the courts is not career ending now as it was even a decade ago, and is of no consequence whatsoever to people like Rudd who do not care about the censure of the court.

Amazingly, as the law currently stands ministers effectively have legal immunity. In most countries, if the government decided to ignore the courts it would trigger a constitutional crisis. But in Tory Britain it evokes at best a shrug.

We need to stop giving politicians a free pass to behave in ways that would be deemed criminal if done by an ordinary citizen or corporation. We urgently need new laws that would allow politicians to be tried and punished for their actions in public office. Until that happens, there’ll be little incentive for people like Iain Duncan Smith to behave themselves and actually serve the public interest.