Tag Archives: jobs

Leave voter excited to do low paid job recently vacated by immigrant

A Leave voter is excited about doing a low paid job that used to be done by an immigrant, it has been confirmed.

Speaking to Newscrasher, Leave voter Chris Bumfield said: “I have serious concerns about immigration and the high perceived number of foreign born people living in Britain, which is actually just code for the fact that I do not like the presence of people of other nationalities or ethnicities in this country.”

“The fact that Britain will soon face a shortage of labour in jobs that are back-breaking or low-paid is a price worth paying for sticking two fingers up to people who are not white British.”

“Unlike most other Leave voters, I do not expect the younger generations who we have stripped of their rights and their future to pick up the pieces of my Brexit folly.”

“On the contrary, I am planning to end my comfortable retirement so that I can take on one of the low-paid jobs that would have been done by an immigrant before I voted to kick foreigners out.”

“British fruit picking jobs for British patriots is what we voted for.”