
Remainers to have plenty of time to debate Brexit after we leave EU, say Tories

There will be plenty of time to debate Brexit after we leave the EU, the Tories have announced.

Speaking on BBC Question Time, Conservative MP James Cleverly argued: “The question of leaving the European Union has already been discussed at length in the media, in pubs and in home all over the country, so it is just unnecessary to have a proper debate about it in Parliament.”

“Of course the details are being kept secret from the people. Theresa May understands all too well that if the public were to learn the truth about how shit their lives will be once we leave the EU, particularly when we abolish worker rights and take away their quality free healthcare, then almost nobody would actually want Article 50 triggered.”

“But to avoid alerting the public to our sinister scheme to wreck their lives, the Government will continue to pretend that it is impossible to give a running commentary on plans for Brexit because we do not wish to show our hand before negotiations begin.”

“Thankfully, quite a lot of people are gullible enough to believe anything our collaborators in the right wing media tell them.”

“For those in Parliament who unpatriotically want to scrutinise the plans and ramifications of leaving the EU, you can rest assured that there will be plenty of time for Remainers to debate Brexit once Article 50 has been triggered, at which point our exit from the EU will be irreversible.”

“Frankly, Brexit is not a big issue any more, because the people have spoken. They clearly support Theresa May’s nearly bloodless coup, in which she has heroically tried to subvert democracy, the rule of law, and the constitution for the financial gain of high net worth individuals.”

Satire based on real quotes from James Cleverly on BBC Question Time, 26 Jan 2017. Youtube URL:

Anger as Iain Duncan Smith slams ‘enemies of autocracy’

The High Court judges who ruled in favour of parliamentary sovereignty are ‘shameful enemies of autocracy’ , Iain Duncan Smith has claimed.

The former Secretary of State for Work and Pensions went into meltdown immediately after the High Court ruling, ranting: “This is a disgrace which would never have happened under the Nazis.”

“We need to start thinking seriously about abolishing the rule of law, to make sure this kind of aberration doesn’t happen again.”

“How dare these unelected judges rule on a matter of the law, and arrive at an objective and thoughtful judgement. These delicate snowflakes know nothing of the patriotic glory of Brexit Britain, and as such they are truly shameful enemies of autocracy and tyranny.”

“How the fuck is Theresa May supposed to rule Britain as a far right tyrant now?”

“Next I suppose they’ll be telling me that my ruthless war on the unemployed, sick and disabled was a crime against humanity for which I should be prosecuted.”

Why my Brexit plan consists entirely of ridiculous threats and crude insults, by Theresa May

Prime Minister Theresa May writes exclusively for satirical news website Newscrasher

After six months of obediently waiting for Britain’s most beloved People’s Fuhrer to outline her Brexit plan, I can now reveal all the important details of how we will smoothly exit the European Union and secure the best possible deal for Britain, while sticking it to Johnny Foreigner as our loyal tabloids have demanded.

Some people have suggested that there is in fact no plan, or that I am spearheading a secret plot to turn Britain into an extreme-right hell-hole for the benefit of the super rich. But let us not concern ourselves with questions asked of me by unpatriotic liars and suspected thought-criminals, many of whom will soon be dealt with by the full force of the law.

The plan for Brexit is simple yet cunning, and is sure to work. My government will do nothing more than issue ridiculous threats and make crude insults against our European friends and trading partners. We will also call on the EU to stop bullying us, even though it is my government who are the bullies.

Once they are able to understand that it is in their own interest to cave in to all our demands, the Europeans will do so with little regard for how disadvantageous a position it places them in.

My plan for Brexit will revolutionise Britain. We will have trade deals with the entire world, championing free trade. Our farmers will be stripped of their subsidies, our factories will be closed and replaced with cheaper Chinese imports, and our universities will be shut and workhouses erected in their place.

We will once again rule Kenya and Nigeria, and Suez is ours for the taking. India won’t want a free trade deal because they will want something even better – to be ruled by us again.

And finally, I will personally revoke American independence. It’s time they faced up to that fact and once again learned to sing “God Save The Queen”.

In summary, I will give the people of Britain the red, white and blue Brexit they deserve.

Red for the angry faces of xenophobes shouting abuse at foreigners and ethnic minorities.

White for the colour of the poor and vulnerable after we have bled them dry, and quite literally in some cases.

And blue for the Conservative Party’s perpetual rule, after we abolish democracy in all but name and establish a Great British dictatorship of the stupid.

Theresa May tells business leaders Britain is open for pillaging

By Horace McSavage and Jeff Sanchez

Theresa May has told businesses leaders that Britain is now open for pillaging, it has emerged.

Speaking at the Davos World Economic Forum, the Prime Minister said: “I want all potential investors to envision Britain as a tax haven for large corporations, where the richest 1% pay nothing at all when they choose to base their companies in the UK.”

“Brexit is a golden opportunity for business, and I have bold plans to improve fairness and social justice by completely eroding bothersome workers’ rights that have for far too long eaten into the profits of hard-working multinational corporations.”

“Under my xenophobic stewardship, Britain is booming. Our biscuits are still above average, and we have pretty good jam as well, at least until our agricultural sector collapses after we deport all the foreign fruit pickers.”

“It is true that many of our banks and industries are planning to quit Britain if we leave the European Union. But who needs jobs or money when you can have a red white and blue Brexit instead?”

Before rushing off stage in a panic, Mrs May added: “Please don’t ask me any questions, because I do not have any answers.”

Chris Grayling proposes privatisation of cycle lanes

By Dorothy Hotdog and Jeff Sanchez

Cycle lanes urgently need to be privatised, Chris Grayling has announced.

The Secretary of State for Transport said: “If cyclists are to be road users, then they must pay through the nose like road users.”

“As the government cannot charge them fuel duty, I propose that a distance meter should be fitted to every bicycle, to charge them the equivalent rate per mile.”

The modern day ‘reverse King Midas’, who turns everything he touches to shit, added: “Part of the proceeds will be set aside to compensate hard working car drivers for the jealousy they sometimes feel through no fault of their own, when they see a cyclist traveling somwhere for free.”

“Govia Thameslink will be given the exclusive license to run cycle lanes, with cyclists and pedestrians funding them.

“I am confident that Govia Thameslink can replicate the success they have made of Southern Rail and will make cycling to work just as expensive and inconvenient.”

The idea has been widely welcomed by drivers.

Motorist Chris Bumfield said: “For years, cyclists have had a free ride, and I can’t wait for them to pay more tax so I can pay less. I look forward to driving through the puddles made from their snowflake tears. They deserve it.”

However, the proposal has been opposed by Labour’s former shadow chancellor, Chris Leslie: “I for one am disappointed the Tories have taken such an extreme approach to cycling.”

“The obvious solution has always been a regionally franchised public private partnership backed by corporate bonds. I believe this creative solution is the one the British public have asked for.”

Newscrasher asked Jeremy Corbyn’s office for comment but were told he was too busy polishing his bike.

Theresa May confirms Brexshit still means Brexshit

In a vague speech where she promised to provide clarity at an undefined point in the future, Theresa May has finally confirmed that Brexshit means Brexshit.

“I’ve been asked for clarity about this government’s plan for Brexit, and I cannot be clearer than this: Brexshit means Brexshit.”

“Public opinion as defined by the Sun, Mail and Express is squarely in favour of a hard Brexit that will destroy the lives of ordinary people and allow the rich to get richer, and that is precisely what I intend to do.”

“You proles are already virtually slaves to your greedy employers and the spivs to whom my party sold all your utilities and rail infrastructure.”

“And thanks to Brexit, my government will make Britain even fairer by removing all your rights and selling the NHS to American corporations.”

“As the people’s Fuhrer who likes to wear leather, I have no option other than to follow the will of the people as I interpret it.”

BBC gets banned from Facebook minutes after launch of ‘fake news’ algorithm

The BBC has been banned from Facebook within minutes of the social media platform’s launch of a new algorithm that detects and blocks ‘fake news’, it has emerged.

Tory propagandist Laura Kuenssberg expressed concerns about the growing public awareness about ‘fake news’, saying: “As propagandist in chief of the Conservative Party, it is my legal and moral duty to hold the Labour opposition to account using lies and highly biased reporting.”

“When I first heard that ‘fake news’ was to be targeted on social media, I assumed Facebook were looking to crush the independent, left wing news websites that have filled the vacuum left by the predominantly hard-right mainstream media.”

“Sites like The Canary have already done far too much to expose the truth about me and my Conservative masters, and there are many people in parliament or in the mainstream media who would love to see independent, left wing media disappear.”

“However, I was deeply disappointed to learn that news stories put out by fake journalists like me are also going to be put under objective scrutiny.”

“How the fuck am I supposed to keep the working people of Britain ignorant and oppressed if I’m prevented from inserting my lies into the social media feed of unsuspecting voters?”

The Conservative Journalist of the Year added: “The PM is absolutely livid, because this raises the possibility that voters may discover the truth about how she’s trying to screw them in so many devious ways.”

A spokeswoman for Facebook has given assurances that users will still be able to opt-in to receive BBC ‘fake news’ in their feeds, but it will come tagged with the words ‘Biased Bullshit Corporation’.

Paul Nuttall vows to follow in Farage’s footsteps by repeatedly failing to get elected

Paul Nuttall PhD has big plans to follow in the footsteps of Nigel Farage by repeatedly failing to get elected to the UK parliament, it  has emerged.

Professor Nuttall, who replaced Nigel Farage as leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party in December, has made taking Labour seats in the north and midlands a top priority, and has pledged to make UKIP the “party of working class racists who agree with my secret plan to privatise the NHS”.

The academic turned politician also told Newscrasher: “If Labour’s Andy Burnham wins the Manchester mayoral election and steps down as an MP triggering a by-election, I would run there too.”

“Doing so would give an additional opportunity for the public to reject the my hateful politics and those of my sinister, quasi-fascist party.”

A spokesperson for the Stoke Central Constituency Labour Party said: “We welcome Paul Nuttall to stand against our candidate here in Stoke. Having a racist twat like Mr. Nuttall hanging around would only serve to make our candidate look even better.”

Destroying economy definitely worth it to fix imaginary problems, says Theresa May

Destroying the British economy with a hard Brexit will definitely be worthwhile, because it will allow imaginary problems such as immigration and human rights to be fixed, Theresa May has decided.

Ahead of her next big speech about Brexit, which is expected to send the Pound to new lows against the Euro and Dollar, the Prime Minister has hinted about how she plans to win over critics of Brexit: “Leaving the EU will almost certainly wreck the economy for the little people, many of whom will lose their jobs, their access to free healthcare, and their benefits.”

“But it will definitely be worth it, because it will allow us to fix a number of imaginary problems that the right wing media have convinced people are real, such as immigration or human rights.”

“But the good news doesn’t end there. The single binary question posed in the referendum provides no guidance about what kind of Brexit we should go for, which means I’m absolutely free to do whatever the hell I want to the country, because I’m in charge now and the will of the people is squarely behind me.”

“To those who would oppose my tyrannical rule, I say this:”

“On the 23rd of June the patriotic British people voted for me to seize power and immediately start to ruin the lives of the poor, the sick, and foreigners.”

“The vote was a unanimous landslide, as long as we do not count the 48 per cent of voters who are technically not real people because they treacherously voted to remain.”

“Despite all the evil shit I have in store for them, the people love me. I like to think of myself as ‘The People’s Fuhrer’.”

Stop pestering me about the fucking NHS, says Theresa May

By Horace McSavage

Theresa May has sensationally lost her temper at the repeated questions from journalists about the perilous state of the National Health Service, it has emerged.

The PM, during an appearance on breakfast TV, denied that the NHS was her responsibility and blamed just about everybody for the perilous state of the NHS, except her government: “It’s the fault of all the foreigners that the previous Labour governments let into the country, it’s the fault of doctors, it’s the fault of nurses, it’s the fault of patients, and it’s the fault of the EU that we are still a member of.”

And in an unprecedented rant she suggested that the Tory party had more important things to worry about than poor people’s health: “Oh will you just shut up about the bloody NHS for two minutes.”

“If you’re that bothered about being cured, then you should bloody well pay for treatment like any self-respecting Tory. We’ve got Brexit to worry about, and I need to focus on getting the best deal for Tory party donors, not curing cancer in people who earn under £200,000 a year.”

The PM then went on to blame the crisis on doctors not working enough hours, stating: “Why are you pestering me about it anyway? I’m not a doctor. Go and pester those overpaid, under-worked do-gooders.”

“Now if you will excuse me, I have a photoshoot with Vogue Magazine to go to, because I’m such a fashion icon.”

A Satirical Take On The News